Oct 3, 2008

Final Day to register to VOTE in Indiana is Oct 6, MONDAY

America! This is God. I need you people to be out by the end of the week, I’ve got someone interested in the property.

(paraphased from a poster I saw in the 1960s that I’ve never forgotten cause it was so funny)

The big bail-out of 2008.

OK - another $700 billion of fresh hot-off-the-press soon-to-be-worthless dollars. Who wins? All of us! We just put off China owning our country a tiny bit longer. I personally will appreciate the extra months of freedom, albeit a false freedom. The stark raving math I”m doing shows our total debt loan as a country is so past sustainable, it’s just a matter of time before the foreign holders of that debt call it in and we can’t pay, so...

pimp my bank, take my first born and everything he will ever earn, double-down on the off-shore accounts and be ready for WWIII.

Or - make sure you are at the polls Nov 4 and vote for Obama/Biden and let’s see if there’s anyway to pull out of this crisis before everything we know is gone.

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