“Paulson and Bernanke urged senators on the banking committee to quickly approve the unprecedented $700 billion plan to prop up the shell-shocked U.S. financial system, saying failure to do so would risk the stability of financial markets and the U.S. economy.”
Oh how I laugh, chortle chortle - choke. Ya see, in the “other America” where most of us live, we’re already “shell-shocked” from 20 years of greedy capital markets reaming us. If anyone asked me, I’d like to see the financial markets have their stability undermined, and not function properly. From the other America, which hasn’t functioned properly for years, it would be nice to have your company.
Of course, that would make Wall St a part of America again. I’d bet my bottom, or even “under a buck” dollar (someone will make up the diff - right?) that living like regular Americans is a fate worse than death for the financial f@#k-heads who have just run the capitalist system into the ground.
Bail-out? I say get in line Wall St scum-bags. The line starts about 250 million back.
Or, better yet - bail ourselves out. Cash in your Swiss bank accounts, your Cayman bank accounts, sell your third and fourth homes and a few of your sports cars, and yes, even shutter your “private family foundations” if you need help. You’ve already had the taxpayers help, for like 30 years now. We’re tapped out.
A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves. ~Edward R. Murrow
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